2025 Membership
Help support TCD and keep it healthy!
When you become a TCD member, you’re invited to our annual business meeting at the Members Appreciation Dance (MAD) which will be held on January 12, 2025.
Membership contributions are needed to keep our community strong and resilient. Contributions are used to support the callers and musicians that make our dances possible. Our costs are increasing for 2025. We’ve implemented a system to provide a modest travel allowance for our talent. In addition, the rent at both the Carrboro Century Center and Reality Ministries is increasing.
Memberships are available on a sliding scale from $10 to $100. Please consider increasing your membership contribution if it works for you. We want to keep offering affordable dancing for everyone.
Triangle Country Dancers is a 501(c)(3) organization under Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS). Your contributions are tax deductible.